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Happy Veterans Day - Austin Shows Up for Democracy

Nov 11, 2022

Happy Veterans Day - Austin Shows Up for Democracy

Happy Veterans Day - Austin Shows Up for Democracy

On this Veterans Day we thank and acknowledge all Americans who have served their country in uniform. Additionally, we also reflect on the democratic process these individuals have helped protect. Fall in Austin has been full of political campaigns in the lead-up to Election Day on Tuesday, when 52.15% of register voters turned out to vote. Thank you to those that showed up for Austin and fulfilled their civic duty! Together, Austin and Travis County have a way to go in advancing the voting franchise.  

In promoting the civic-mindedness demonstrated by the Smoot family, the Flower Hill Foundation hosted the CAMP! Mayoral Forum on October 22nd, bringing the top two mayoral candidates, State House Representative Celia Israel and State Senator Kirk Watson, together to speak to the value of Culture, Arts, Music, and Preservation in Austin. You may watch a recording of the forum, HERE. The Flower Hill Foundation looks forward to hosting this mayoral forum again for the next mayoral election in two years.

The CAMP! Mayoral Forum. Image courtesy of the Flower Hill Foundation. 

Believe in Civics? Support the Flower Hill Foundation  

You are invited to join us for the next phase of the Flower Hill Foundation's development as a museum and as a historic site. As we continue our mission of celebrating the working-class lives of American civil servants and stewarding the gift of this one-of-a-kind house museum, we ask you to look to the future and imagine a Flower Hill that is accessible to all. 

In the coming year, the Foundation seeks to accomplish: 

1. The replacement of the main house's foundation and additional strengthening of the floors throughout the home.  

2. The installation of Google Fiber on the grounds to increase accessibility to our one-of-kind historic asset.         

3. The research and documentation of the Emancipated African American labor that worked at Flower Hill. 


Together, we will continue the Smoots’ dedication to community, education, and the arts, offering an immersive experience of the past and enriching programming to cultivate a more civically engaged public. However, this single-family home and the surrounding wildscape must first undergo needed changes in order to become a functional community space.

The opening of our house museum was made possible because of your passion for preserving this home and its history. Similarly, the next phase of Flower Hill needs your continued support. As we celebrate the end of 2022, we hope you will join us again in continuing this important work.


Second & Last Weekend of Austin Studio Tour WEST

Mago Atavico, hand-colored intaglio, 25'' x 32'', 2020 - Image courtesy of the artist. 

Come to Flower Hill Saturday and Sunday for Austin Studio Tour WEST & EAST weekend (November 12-13)

For this year's iteration of Austin Studio Tour, the Flower Hill Foundation has invited Alfonso Huerta to display his art at Flower Hill. Huerta's paintings, prints and drawings combine various media, including egg tempura, oil, pastels, charcoal, and watercolor to depict a series of serene still life studies and portraits expressing the beauty and sensuality of everyday life with a distinctly Mexican soul. Originally from Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, Alfonso studied painting and life drawing at the Academia de Arte Municipal de Ciudad Juárez and at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas in Mexico City. His paintings and drawings depict the lush and rich textures of his native Mazatlán with strong tropical flashes of color and surrealistic effects of saturated light and shadow.


L: The artist, Alfonso Huerta at Flower Hill. R: The artist speaking with two visitors from Austin Studio Tour WEST.

Flower Hill, preserving and cultivating Austin culture since 1877. 

1316 W. 6th Street Austin Texas 78703 / Physical Address

607 Pressler St. Austin Texas 78703 / Mailing Address   


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